Kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học ''Thúc đẩy phát triển du lịch Tuyên Quang bằng các phương tiện truyền thông mới''
Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year 2015!
We are very delighted to announce the 1st International Conference at Tan Trao University. We look forward to your participation. Please also help us circulate the call.
Thank you!
Assessing primary students by approaching and evaluating their competency – A possible approach to Pedagogics Institutions in Vietnam and some South East Asian countries
22nd May 2015, Tuyen Quang, Vietnam
Organized by Tan Trao University,Tuyen Quang, Vietnam
Holistic education has become a popular teaching and learning approach particularly for primary education in Western countries, but it may appear new to Vietnamese education and perhaps to some South EastAsian countries. The key characteristics of Holistic education are instead of educating students with academic aspects only, educator should see the student’s development as a ‘whole’: hard skills (academic ability); soft skills (presentation, independence, critical thinking…).
Taking account from Holistic education, the 1st International Conference at Tan Trao University will raise the issue of whether we should assess students at primary level through exams and marks, or instead, students will be assessed by teachers’ comments and evaluations about different skills and abilities at a particular period of time. The theme of the conference also focuses on current assessment system of all students in general and primary students in particular in Vietnam and some South EastAsian countries. Bearing on that, the needs of renovating training programs at Pedagogics Institutionsare proposed and deliberated. The conference also discusses about the primary education in Tay Bac, Tay Nguyen and Tay Nam Bo of Vietnam, the regions with social, educational and economic difficulties.
The conference will be held in Tuyen Quang, the former temporary capital of Vietnam in the resistance war against French colony. Tuyen Quang has complex history in both pre-modern and modern Vietnam which makes it “a place of history”. Tan Trao University is also named towards a historical milestone. Tan Trao is a newly founded university, but it has attracted a large numbers of young scholars, these staffs are expected to be the key people in implementing and renovating of what we learn from the conference.
With this in mind, we would like to invite you to participate in the 1st International Conference at Tan Trao University.
You are invited to submit your individual paper proposal (100-200 words) and full paper (no more than 8 pages) by the deadlines set below.
Deadline for abstract submission: March 10, 2015 (if you require an earlier acceptance letter in order to obtain travel funding from your institution and other sources, please submit your abstract earlier and indicate that you need early notification)
Deadline for full paper submission: April 10, 2015.
Individual presentation: 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for questions
Please send you abstracts and full papers to:
The presenters please attach your affiliation and contact details.
(The attendants and presenters from the countries of ASEAN will be covered for the costs of accommodation, meals and transportation during the time of conference in Vietnam)
We look forward to your participation!
Thank you and best regards,
Conference Chair and Convenor:
Dr Nguyen Ba Duc
President of Tan Trao University